Sunday, July 17, 2011

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  • xingeng
    08-21 11:41 AM
    Sent to NE on July 2, and transfered to TX. Got the checks cashed last friday.

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  • arihant
    10-06 10:09 AM
    I had sent an email to rags months before about this friend. He decided to become an expat and move to India while his GC still languishes in the labor stage. He is an engineering manager who works for one of the big oil service companies (Think of word association with the Vice President). He would have been invaluable to this country as the country tries to become more self-reliant in the energy sector. Instead, he now lives in India and services oil wells in Russia. How is that for loss of competitiveness (loss of his service as well as his tax money to other countries)!

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  • Canadian_Dream
    11-12 10:15 PM
    The question I have is : where to return my I-94 (expired and the extended one that came with I797) when I leave by LAND as there are no "US CBP agents/office" when we leave US by land. I went through US CBP website and find that there is a process to send I-94 after leaving the country to "ACS - CBP SBU , KY".
    Unfortunately as I will be entering as a Canadian PR, there will not be any stamp in my passport to record my entry to Canada and hence won't be able to prove to "ACS - CBP SBU , KY" my date of departure from US. The reason I am worried is that I don't want to get in to any overstay issues if I need to come to US in future.
    Thanks in advance.

    When you handover your I-94 to the airline staff there is no recorded evidence of when you handed it over, there is no date stamp per se. Some airlines will not even take it out, esp. if you are travelling to Canada unless you ask them to. Also there is no gurantee that when airlines collect the I-94 it will indeed reach CBP at KY. As far as the entry stamp of the country you are visiting/moving that may not be clear enough to show that dates and some countries will not even stamp passport if you are a PR. Besides USCIS might or might accept it as an evidence of departure. US and Canada do not stamp the passport upon entry for Permanent residents.
    The point of all this is, there is no certain way of showing that you have departed with-in the duration of stay. Sometimes USCIS takes boarding pass as the evidence. I think you should just take it easy, go to Canada and send the I-94 that is acctached to your H1-B on the same day with a post mark and make a copy of the receipt etc. That post mark from Canada is an evidence that you were actually in Canada mailing the damn I-94 on your first day of arrival. Other evidences could be the entry receipt of the Car that you will be taking to Canada (not sure about this though).

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  • jliechty
    June 10th, 2004, 11:47 AM
    Only my opinion, Janey, but since you are moving up I wud be looking to the future. Meaning, the D70 will be a great camera for you and then you'll be eventually experimenting and wanting different/better lenses.

    Canon offers IMHO far more superior lenses and more choices.

    The 300D or the 10D both Canon, would be my choice.
    Ok, in defense of Nikon, how are Canon's lenses "far superior"? Yes, they have IS (VR) in long teles, and their wide T/S lens has a bit more flexibility. But say Janey wants to do some extreme macro photography? Yeah, Canon has the MP-E 65mm that goes from 1x to 5x, but it's expensive, and for the same cost (or less) one might be able to get a PB-6, enlarger lens, movie camera lens, 50mm lens, and various accessories to link them all together, and in the end have a much more flexible macro system.


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  • maheshf
    01-25 09:18 AM
    Thanks Buran ..this is very helpful. I will lets school know and keep you posted with what they say.

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  • pshah
    08-30 07:04 PM
    Please include me.


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  • illusions
    02-21 12:26 PM
    With the new rule on FBI name checks, a potential 47K with current PDs could get their GS's soon. I wonder how much of a shift we will see in the PD's from now, after the 47K is not taken into account. I would predict a minimum of atleast a year jump, or am I being optimistic. :confused:

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  • chanduv23
    03-08 10:38 AM
    Most employers pretend as if they dont know anything about retro, whereas they have employees in their own company in that situation.
    Lot of people do not know what they are gettng into, a lot of new H1b applicants go look for employers promising Green Card carrots and switch jobs only to find out at a very later stage that they are retrogressed. Same with sub labor, lot of people switch companies as they get sub labor, just to find out later they cannot apply 485 due to retrogression.

    A lot of people still don't know what kind of mess they are in. I tried explaining this to a lot fo people who do not understand, and they never made an attempt to understand, thats the reason why IV still has only several thousands members where those affected by retro is in lacs.

    My only advice to you is "think positive", "put a lot of effort in your skill and job", "stay put with latest news", "Help IV" and be careful with employers or lawyers or body shoppers


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  • thepaew
    02-19 01:42 PM
    I wouldn't want Laloo to get his paws on my money. It is better in a Swiss account. :-)

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  • memyselfandus
    04-21 09:06 PM
    It doesn't matter...if it is substitution case or not. Everybody deserves a fair chance of the pie.
    Hopefully no one replies to your post as yours is substitution case.

    I think nchendica should contact his lawyer and ask them to reevaluate your degree and these rejections have been succesfully won. You can search similar cases on website. Contact a good lawyer; it is still not too late.


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  • hetuweb
    08-23 08:47 PM
    Yes Buddy, Everyone Will Get Fp Notices.:)

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  • chanduv23
    06-20 02:16 PM
    The Forums are not secure as they are watched by anti immigrant groups. Key communications like this can only be through state chapters as the membership to the state chapters are secure. Please contact a chapter that is nearest to you. If not PM me your phone number and contact info, I can pass it on to my state chapter (IV Tri-state) and have someone contact you with information.

    This drive is Key for our issues. We need to work on this and burn the phone lines. We are very close indeed.

    You are right. Thanks for the great job in the chapter


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  • desi3933
    09-18 06:56 AM
    H1Employer -

    Would my mind answering my question?

    Can I ask you a question? How much your corp usually pays if you are billing at $80 per hour? 55k per year or 95k per year as Salary + Benefits. (BTW - Just to make things clear, I am not looking for job as I am independent IT consultant with my own corp).

    I have seen many cases where consultant is billed at 80-90 per hours and gets paid only 50 to 60k (based on his/her "negotiation" power).

    In one case, this agency had two consultants at same client (one of the large banks) and were getting billed at $80 per hour. The H1-B person was getting 56k/year and green card holder was making 95k per year. This is the reason why many people want to jump for another job when they have EAD or GC.

    My 2 cents.

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  • indyanguy
    08-19 11:28 AM
    OP - If you have a cooperative employer, I would say go for it. Given the rate at which EB2-I is progressing, you will get GC much sooner although the PERM process for EB2 may take a long time. Assuming you get an audit on your PERM, even if the entire process takes 1.5 years, you can get your 140 in PP and once your PD is ported, you are current. Even if the entire process takes 2 years (worst case), it's worth the effort. EB3-I will move at a very slow pace. As others suggested, you wont see significant movement till EB2-I is current.

    Financially, the porting would make a lot of sense too. Assuming a family of 2, you are spending close to $1000 (or even more) per year on the AP and EAD renewals, not to mention the employer's cost of renewing the H1. When you go to your HR for starting the EB2 process, you want to put it in terms of how it's financially viable for the company. When you do the math, it's a win win for both the employer and the employee in the long run if you get the GC earlier.

    I'd say go for it. Good luck!


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  • Naruto
    10-05 07:15 PM
    Is there a relation between immigration process (485) and IRS?
    If a person owe money to IRS , does he/she have a problem with his/her immigration process? I'm not talking fraud ....! I'm talking owing taxes to IRS

    The reason i'm asking is because some lawyer do ask for W2 forms, some do not. That means there is a relationship between immigration and IRS.I just have no idea how it works.


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  • DSLStart
    10-02 11:23 AM
    Your post is contradictory. At beginning you said
    We are now in a dazed state as we just realised we don't have any savings, whatever we had, we made bad choices .
    So how are you going to pay off your house if you've no money? Do you mean you are going to sell it and pay off mortgage? But in current market your house value would be less than what you owe, so you may end up owing more to mortgage company than what you'll get after selling house.
    My boss recently changed and the work environment is not good anymore (never imagined this would happen), I am in a constant pressure and no job security. It's a shocker in a fulltime state job.

    We bought a house last year needless to say that the prices have fallen. We are now in a dazed state as we just realised we don't have any savings, whatever we had, we made bad choices - house, 2 cars (They looked good at that time though) and put about 10% on the house.

    We were planning on to invest all our savings in the house as we recently paid off our two cars and no other debts. But after reading some posts here on the housing and investment market. I am not sure if I want to put everything in the house, having my job at risk and no GC yet.

    Being a novice in fianancial matters, need advice.
    Appreciate your thoughts on this.


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  • anurakt
    10-03 04:50 PM
    Let's send this to MENSA people to get it straight...... My head is spinning...:D No Offense, just take it easy.

    Still Spinning, I tried reading again to put 2 and 2 together.... I need to get an IQ test.

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  • lazycis
    12-18 04:14 PM
    If you put the IOs into situation where they can potentially make mistakes...

    more often then not, they will make a mistake. Then you have to pay the USCIS to fix their own mistake by filing MTR. Not to mention unnecessary stress... That being said, everybody has different risk tolerance.

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  • alterego
    06-20 03:10 PM
    I just called the office of a couple of senior members of the CHC. It takes a few minutes guys and it does make a difference. You only realize that after you call. Find out for yourselves.
    They took down my name and location. If you are in the congressmans district then you definitely MUST call, it DEFINITELY has an impact as your call has five times the impact. Sometimes the aides will actually get into a conversation with you and then you, we and IV get to shine. Our cause is just, our request is least controversial and if we can persuade a few minds we stand a reasonable chance. Let me share with you an example.
    The rep. from Congressman Guttierez office told me they were not blocking this bill, then I suggested that Congressman Guttierez is one of the leaders in congress on this topic and him taking an active lead in supporting these bills will convince a lot of other congressmen, so I am looking to him to lead on this. I told her that all immigration issues has been stalled in congress for over 3 yrs now and he needs to take the lead in getting the ball rolling again. I suggested that this will help build a coalition when CIR bill with most of the employment based provisions are discussed. However a movement on bills such as this will allow others to feel something can be done on this issue, right now there is paralysis. She agreed to speak with him on this and once again reiterated Rep. Guttierez is not blocking the Lofgren bills. I thanked her and asked if she could ask him to consider co-sponsoring the bills. She agreed to pass on the message.
    The other offices took a message.

    01-23 06:21 PM
    hi all

    do read this link given below:-


    02-28 12:33 PM
    That is just great news ! Kudos to those volunteers, I don't have words to express gratitude.

    thank you.

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