Sunday, July 17, 2011

may calendar 2011 canada

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  • hopefulgc
    02-05 11:03 PM
    Take your company attorney & HR guy(al) out for a $250 lunch and first build a rapport with them. Tell them about what you need & do tell them politely that if they care about you as an employee, they need to get on with your immigration process.

    Nothing unethical, illegal or embarrassing about push your point forward.

    There are ppl who will tell you that sth like this would never work. time ot prove me wrong!

    Its your future. Take charge.

    Haha. That is an accurate assessment at a 50-foot level. I was pretty disillusioned after a couple of years of working. A mixture of what the fuck am I doing, but not really knowing what to do, and all confused because I was at probably the biggest firm around and and a feeling of even if I switch, what's the point? And not having the balls to switch jobs, for the fear of throwing away what I had, mixed with personal struggles with life and not having the social life that I wanted.

    In between all this, the desire to get the GC process kicked off came and went, esp. since I wanted to switch positions to a more people oriented role, and the feeling of gosh, do I want to stay in 6+ years in this job - maybe if I file, then I won't want to change jobs.

    As you can see, even I am not sure what was going on there. But my personal life and acclimatizing has sorted itself out rather well of late, and I do want to stay here now that I have a really interesting life (and partly out of fear of throwing everything away and moving somewhere new).

    Now, I know that IV is not a self-help trauma group, so I will cut short my story here, which has little to do with the raw facts of my immigration situation :)

    And yes, I did not participate or know much about the visa process, or IV till recently, and am a recent need based participant, but I hope that does not stop anyone from contributing their ideas to help me out.

    *** Also, to the previous poster (nojoke) who said that big companies usually hold off on perms, are you suggesting that I have a better chance at a smaller company then?

    UPDATE: My company attorney suggested talking about this in April, and I am nervous about waiting till then in limbo - things are only going bad to worse, I might as well find a job at a place which will sponsor a PERM sooner rather than later.

    I request you to PM me if you have any leads for such companies might still be a good bet for filing a PERM.

    uhh..damn immigration process..

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  • vin13
    09-22 11:38 AM
    we have tried our best and still trying....Now i have come to peace thinking that it is all doesnt matter how much hard work you did...all it matters is fate

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  • gg10004
    07-19 04:04 PM
    Nothing would be done until we fight the crap
    USCIS will get their millions and sit on the files and get more millions through renewals. By that time your employer would have sucked the last drop of blood or keep finding new employers who will port your 485.
    This is just a temporaray relief to feel good.
    If they wanted you would automatically get a PR once you complete 5 years of legal work in US

    Guys dont get trapped. Since USCIS is exposed now and forced to accept 1 million application for AOS, these things are coming up. USCIS and DHS are the pets of US Govt. Govt wont let them down under any circumstances.

    Now that USCIS and DHS realized the moster coming on their head down the line in the name of GC / EAD / AP and they have maintained the lie with dis-honesty all these years that they could not process 485s because of the lack of resource, they have fallen flat on US Congress to bail them out. Whatever solutions they have had in their disposal all these years they are taking them out and discussing with congress. If they wanted to be really helpful to the highly skilled immigrants, they should have done this long back. All these days they all were anti-immigrants and the ex-director of USCIS was a active member of anti-immigrant community.

    You dont have to do anything. Just sit and watch the fun with USCIS. They will come up with solutions and get it passed with congress and they know better than any one else that they are in trouble without solutions. Lots of LAWSUITS will follow in next few months if they dont do their job on time.

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  • senthil
    06-15 06:23 AM
    july 04 -- What a day to loose my independence :-)
    wishes for your marriage and there-after


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  • Macaca
    01-25 06:12 PM
    My personal situation: I was on F1 visa for 6 years before I started LC process with a company for a totally unrelated to my field of studies position (EB3). We had PERM approved and filed I-140, with me still on F1. I-140 was approved and now we are stuck in retrogression. Meanwhile, and after I-140 was approved, I graduated and applied for H1B based on my major. I have disclosed on H1B application that I have I-140 approved from another company and attached a copy. Not a question asked. H1B was approved within 9 days (cap exempt).

    And there's more. Because I violated my F1 status years ago by accepting unauthorized employment (tracable through taxes), my lawer told me to leave the country and re-enter, to cut the tail clean and be eligable for adjustment of status when the quotas open up. I went to Canada, and applied for H1B visa stamp, disclosing on the applicqation that I have I-140 approved and have violated my visa terms previously ("yes" to question 38, in "kiss of death" section of the application). Very stressful time that was. But in the end - no problem, got the stamp and was back in two days.

    This makes lot of sense. It does not make sense to have your F1 file and accept I-140, if it violates a USCIS rule.

    Nice to know. I thought I-140 required pay checks.

    may calendar 2011 canada. march calendar 2011 canada
  • march calendar 2011 canada

  • humdesi
    11-22 02:15 PM
    Well said, No one here is going to let go an opporturnity here, if one gets one. In my case, I did NOT go in search of one, and I did not get one. So waiting in line for years. that said, If I had got an option, I would have taken advantage of it. This guy does deserves his GC. Anyway, he/she has been here since 1997 and it is a long time too.

    Lot of people have been around for a long time. Each of us have a story why our PD is not earlier. One thing is guaranteed - bulletin dates will not progress or progress very slowly as more and more labor substituters take away visa numbers.

    Another thing - People from 2003/2004 are taking visa numbers. Almost 40% of EB-2 numbers were taken as of first week of Nov (as per latest bulletin). By end of Nov that number might well be 50%, 60%, or 70% - who knows.

    It's going to be a loooong wait.


    may calendar 2011 canada. May may 2011 calendar canada
  • May may 2011 calendar canada

  • stuckinretro
    09-25 09:24 AM
    Ok Thanks,

    Who signed for your packet at NSC on Jul'23rd? Was it Mr Heinauer? Reason I ask is mine was sent on July 20th but didn't receive receipts yet.

    yes, no checks cashed yet, checking my account regularly. the notice date is 21st sep, so I am thinking it might take 3-4 business days for the checks to cash, do you guys think my assumption is right?
    Anybody in the same situation?

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  • may 2011 calendar canada. june

  • sanu121
    02-08 11:38 AM
    Truth always hurts. It is not too much talking when I say that people can't afford to contribute 20 bucks to IV. Out of roughly 9000 members, only 200 contributed in the last contribution drive and now you should be able to do the math yourself. That is the fact and it's very troubling that 98% of the members chose to contribute nothing.

    If you expect 200 people to find relief for 1 million so called high skilled immigrants present in United States, may be you need to wake up and do some reality check. Just checking IV 50 times a day for an update will not bring any relief, if that's what you are counting on. No wonder we are yet to see any relief whatsoever.
    --for you only.please read below the reply posted by fellow member franklin--
    First off - I have contributed, but here is an explanation of my initial reluctance to do so and possibly why I haven't contributed more than I have, since you asked.

    I have often been offended by the tone and bias on this board, when it is plainly evident that the majority of power posters think their own situation as being the only thing that should be resolved, alienating others as a result.

    Don't tell me to donate by spending less money on stuff that culturally I never do, or refer to people that I know little about - all for cultural reasons. It was this thread that spurred me to contribute, and ironically, this thread that also offended me first. I still haven't forgotten that.

    Wonder how else you alienate people? Try posting in a language that isn't English.

    Regarding the recent pledge drive in particular, it gives me a nasty taste in my mouth since it stings of hypocrisy that I can't get over. A similar one was attempted by a member here (which I signed up for), using the ""I will donate $10 monthly to Immigration Voice for one year but only if 1,000 other people will do the same."

    That effort, although endorsed by the core group, got 88 people to vote, and was criticized in these very forums as being a waste of time, or not the proper way to do it. Of course, fast forward a few months and now look...

    I also find it distasteful to have to read through threads that could be of some importance or value, but find that good chunks are just "Hey, look at me, look at how much I contributed"

    So, since I'm all bitter and alienated , why did I actually contribute?
    Every time I get annoyed or offended by someone's insensitive or cultural narrow mindedness, I try to ignore it and remind myself that that single person does not represent the values of the core group and this organization as a whole. It gets challenging.

    Please don't flame me, I am trying to be honest


    may calendar 2011 canada. may 2011 calendar canada with
  • may 2011 calendar canada with

  • dpp
    07-13 01:54 PM
    May be they can accept I-485s for July to honor original July bulletin. They can do this without changing any law as they can say they are accepting as per DOS bulletin for ones who already filed or going to file as per original bulletin.

    hair calendar 2011 canada may calendar 2011 canada. may 2011 calendar canada
  • may 2011 calendar canada

  • ashkam
    02-21 01:59 PM
    How early can I apply for the H1B extension. My current visa expires in mid of June 2008. How many days in advance can I apply for my extension.


    180 days.


    may calendar 2011 canada. May+2011+calendar+canada
  • May+2011+calendar+canada

  • H1B-GC
    08-29 10:54 AM
    This is a Tricky need Medical leave for your child but 4 months is a bit too long. your Attorney about the consequences of taking 4 Months leave on H1B visa.make sure your HR provides you with all the Paper work that your Attorney might ask to substantiate your leave.

    My LC and I140 approved (PD: may 2004). Applied 485 on Aug 8.
    I became father last month.
    My new born son is sick and he needs total attention for next 4 months. I have used up all my vacation and planning to apply for medical leave. Pediatrician recommends me getting medical leave and support my wife.

    I work in a very big hardware company. I have completed 3.5yrs in H1B so far.f I apply for medical leave, I may get a pay cut (like 20 to 30%). Will I be affected because of this medical leave? Are H1B's allowed to take medical leave (upto 4 months)..

    Your comments are very much appreciated.


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  • may 2011 calendar canada with

  • sobers
    04-04 10:53 AM
    I'd like to add that I'm very appreciative of all the hardwork and leadership the IV team is showing. We can't really ask for a bunch of better people to lead us.

    I know you all have spent tremendous time and resources (multiple trips to DC for people coming as far as Florida) and I would say you should divide up between yourselves whatever monies remain (if any) at the end of the effort. This will atleast go toward covering some of your out of pocket costs.

    I know this suggestion is likely to be rejected, but I wanted to convey it, just to express my feelings...


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  • iqube00
    11-05 01:51 PM
    I have been a client of ron Gothcher for the past 4 years. He and his staff are the most professional of any lawyers I have dealt with in the past (I have dealt with a desi and a chinese lawyer before). He always encourages you to call and talk to him if you have any questions. He personally answers any question you have without hurrying. I very highly recomend him.

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  • Maverick1
    11-20 07:46 PM
    First of all articulate your questions and concerns. That gives any one with an insight to try to help you. Not using the SMS language should help too :) because you may not be conveying clearly what you intended to.

    Where are you located now ? Your home country or USA ?
    Did you see your Visa papers at all ? What visa do you have ?
    Did you go to school in USA ?
    Did you get ANY visa stamping on your passport ?

    Hi All ,

    Im trying frantically to post this as a new thread but in vain . I would be ogliged if any1 of u can guide me through the process . Also not wasting further time i would like some info which is purely based on my discretion , but suggestion is well appreciated from u end .I would like to know wat r the things to be followed in h1 . Currently im facing issue with my h1 ie , my h1 was approved from this year lottery and it had a query which i have sent a letter to ins through my consultant , in aug but i have not recd any update so far . Im all confused as to what is my status coz at time im told that im on student visa and at time on h1 . Also if i find a job i will be paid only wen its valid . currently i stand on a crossroad of confusion , agony , pain and frustation . pls some 1 guide me thrgh this and if reqd i would apprecciate if u can also mail me . Trust me this info will be only confidential . i have loads of queries and from the time ie if my so called h1 is approved then i have still not got a job and my employer is done nothing much to market it . wat time frame do i require to be on job . pleaseeeeeeeeee help .email me at

    thanks a zillion for ur patience


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  • krishmunn
    03-08 08:52 PM
    Here is what I found from Murthy Forum --

    According to the AILA-NSC Liaison minutes of 04/12/2007, the following standards generally applies in determining EB-2 requirement:
    (1) U.S. master�s degree � as long as it is in the field required no additional documents would be required
    (2) 4 yr bachelor�s degree + 2 yr master�s degree (India) � with degrees in the same or related fields this will generally be considered the equivalent to a U.S. master�s degree with no additional documents required
    (3) 3 yr bachelor�s degree + 3 yr master�s degree (India) � with degrees in the same or related fields this will generally be equivalent to a U.S. master�s degree with no additional documents required
    (4) 3 yr bachelor�s degree + 1 yr postgraduate diploma + 2 yr master�s degree (India) with degrees in the same or similar field : generally be considered the equivalent of a bachelor�s degree plus one additional year of education so the beneficiary would also need to have 5 yrs progressive experience. If the postgraduate diploma is determined to be progressive postgraduate education that is a continuation of the 3 yr bachelor�s degree it is possible that this would be considered the equivalent to a U.S. Master�s degree and there would be no need to establish 5 yrs progressive experience.
    (5) 3 yr bachelor�s degree + 2 yr master�s degree (India) � Generally this would be the equivalent of a bachelor�s degree + 1 year and would require 5 yrs progressive experience to qualify under the 2nd preference category: However, foreign credential evaluation using the following additional evidence could make it to EB-2, Master's degree equivalent:
    Examples of comparable U.S. master�s degree programs requiring only one year to complete (indicating that a total of 5 years of undergraduate and graduate level education is sufficient); or
    Credential evaluations that provide a detailed comparison of credit hours completed by the beneficiary for the 3 year bachelor�s degree program with credit hours required by comparable U.S. bachelor�s degree programs.

    (6) 3 yr bachelor�s degree + 2 yr master�s degree (India) + 5 yrs progressive, post-master�s degree experience � Generally the educational degrees would be determined to be the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor�s + 1 year and the beneficiary would meet the statutory requirement
    (7) 3 yr bachelor�s degree + 2 yr master�s degree + 1 yr postgraduate diploma (India) � Generally this would be the equivalent of a bachelor�s degree + 1 year and would require 5 yrs progressive experience to qualify under the 2nd preference category. If the postgraduate diploma is determined to be progressive postgraduate education that is a continuation of the 3 yr bachelor�s degree or the 2yr master�s degree it is possible that this would be considered the
    equivalent to a U.S. Master�s degree and there would be no need to establish 5 yrs progressive experience
    (8) If a master�s degree is required and the beneficiary does not have a U.S. master�s degree in the specified field of study the petitioner should be prepared to submit sufficient documentation to establish that the education that the beneficiary possesses is the equivalent to a U.S. master�s degree in the required field.
    [Matthew Oh Note: The positions of the NSC for the situations in (4), (5), (6), and (7) appear to have loosen up substantially and very flexible and accomodative. Very good news. We thank the NSC leaders for the new policy on these issues.]
    Education Requirement in Labor Certification Not Restricted to U.S. Bachelor or Foreign Equivalent Degree: Following will be acceptable for "Skilled Worker" catogory of EB-3:

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  • vin13
    03-25 12:28 PM
    USCIS have reviewed my application in October and in February for pre-adjudication. How I am sure about that is because in Feb my wife got an RFE for Medical and mine was fine. Unless the primary is fine they will not touch dependent.

    I got an RFE for medical and my wife got an RFE for "Status during a certian period" last September at the same time. We replied to the RFE and the case status now says "Case Resumed...." for both.

    Since my wife(derivative) had a RFE, can i take it for granted that my case is pre-adjudicated?


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  • DSJ
    05-30 01:09 PM
    I had similar issue with my spouse H4, then I applied her H4 again before the I-94 expires on the pass port. In my case (h4) costed only $200, I didn't wanted to take a chance then applied and got the extension. If you want to safeguard your status, you better apply for H1 extension, if it is really expiring they will extend your H1 otherwise they might return saying you cannot apply for extension prior to 6 month of expiring.

    So decide yourself, don;t ask peoples opinion too many times, you always get mixed results.

    NOTE: according to my employer, I-94 given at the POE super seeds all the other form of I-94.

    I visited my local USCIS office and the officer told me that they don't do I-94 updates and asked me to contact the CBP office. When I called them up to get an appointment, I got transferred to a lady who asked me the details. After listening to my case she said its perfectly okay and asked me to attach the new I-94 from the 797 to the passport. Is this true?

    I am trying to get hold my lawyer but in vain. Please help!!!

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  • sanju_dba
    01-26 11:53 AM
    i wonder how much they would loose in fees by those applicants.
    its like a lottery right? so govt is making tons of money on this scheme too?
    It that $$$ is big then passing this bill on the basis of $$$ vs to-be-leader concept fails.

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  • rajeshalex
    09-16 04:51 AM
    Which consulate was this? What questions did they ask?
    Did u show your paystubs?

    06-04 05:03 PM
    You are absolutely right abt the excerpt.
    You need to send the EAD according to where you live (with pending 485 and Q16 answered with C9)



    I hold high regard for your postings...but in the 765 manual, I could not find any such rule that you just mentioned..Here is an excerpt from Pg 9 of

    If your response to Question 16 is (c)(9) ....
    Otherwise, if you filed your I-485 adjustment application with
    a USCIS Service Center, you must file Form I-765 at the
    Nebraska Service Center or the Texas Service Center,
    depending on where you live (see the following addresses)......

    Are you sure ?? :confused:

    I have recently moved from Ohio to Pennsylvania and am about to file for renewal. Thanks....

    02-11 10:46 AM
    G-joe are you kidding--this looks like a vision to be accomplished in 5 years.


    Eb1 - C
    Eb2 - Dec2006
    EB3 - Jan2003


    EB1 -C
    EB2 - Jun2006
    EB3 - Dec2005


    EB1 - C
    EB2 - C
    EB3 - Jan2007

    EB4 , EB5 - C for all

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