Sunday, July 17, 2011

figure ice skating

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  • Voetsjoeba
    04-17 05:22 AM
    I'm 15 and I have done several jobs .. they generally don't mind you being that young, most of the times they're amazed :D You have to talk decently etc, like Rev said. Nohing much can go wrong if you make a good, professional impression.

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  • hsm2007
    10-18 10:59 AM

    Going to Initial Review after approval is scary but normal when you get done FP after approval. I think if you have the I-797 approval then there is nothing to worry about. If you follow a thread in tracki*t you will know that couple of people also got similar status change after FP.

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  • yabadaba
    10-19 09:01 AM
    number of PERM approvals from 03/28/2005 - 10/1/2006 = 83,151

    assuming 60% of those are for EB2 and EB3 (EB3 other workers are also included in the total 83151 count) = 49,890 ~ 50,000

    50,000 = 39% of 128,000 unique labor certifications/primary applicants.

    from my perspective this is very promising

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  • TomTancredo
    01-10 05:17 PM

    My employer revoked the i140 of a person after 180 days. He did not reveal this information to me and used labor substitution for me.

    The other person used AC21 and got his 485 approved. INS has denied my I140 since a 485 has already been approved and there can be only one GC on one labor. INS says that once the 485 is approved that job ceases to exist.

    My company is saying that they have done this in the past and got approvals. They are saying that they applied the I140 substitution long before the 485 approval of the other person.

    Now they are saying that they will appeal that the other guy never had the intention of working for the comapany.

    Is there any chance for the I140 approval and using the existing labor ? If not will the INS help me keep the Priority Date.

    Does anyone have knowledge of such cases (or) know the results of such appeals.

    Thanks !

    I personally think you are better off finding another job and another employer and starting the process all over again if you have time and energy.

    If this guy (employer) can do this to someone else , what is the guarentee that he will not do it you. Ofcourse you may argue substitution is eliminated etc ...But this guy (Employer) is clearly dishonest ...and he could be very well be running a business based on the US immigration system.

    I think we as a community better off if you can reveal who the employer is.


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  • kumar_77
    03-26 09:02 AM
    Hello Friends ,

    I am kamal from grand rapids

    my email id :
    contact no : 269-267-1337



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  • sledge_hammer
    03-16 01:37 PM
    I have been constantly trying to get the message out here that it is imperative that we do not condone illegal or unlawful activities including covering up out-of-status cases. I have received so many REDs for doing it. Go look at the other two posts I have replied to. Some people who don't like the fact that I advise people to leave the country. They are the ones that give me reds!

    I saw this on an anti immigrant site by a M*****r.

    Hope some of you will learn a lesson from it and stop posting threads about Telgus, Eb3 vs Eb2.

    I have also seen posts by ignorant educated illiterates on IV where they advice people to do illegal things. Some of you own consulting firms or businesses and try to promote it by posting and sending Private messages. If we see such message, let us give reds and report to IV. We also need to discourage people from answering wrong info to posts where someone is illegal/out of status. All this used against us.


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  • Pineapple
    12-16 01:46 PM
    Thanks for clarifying..

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  • zilmax007
    08-21 12:27 PM
    RN received on today from TSC
    PD: 8/2006
    LC Approved: 9/2006
    EB2 140 Approved: 10/2006
    485 filed on 7/2 @ TSC
    RN 7/2
    ND 8/13


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  • shaq
    02-14 08:32 AM
    My wife worked as a consultant for first half of 2008 with a desi employer as an employee (on W-2). After many calls and emails we received W-2 Thursday that has income and taxes of only first two months. Now he says that he showed remaining 4 months as his profit so he can only send 1099. Please advise if I can take any legal action against this employer.

    Thank you

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  • sixburgh
    08-06 01:26 AM
    Thanks man!
    Did you stay in nearby hotel to consulate? If yes please share name.

    No I stayed with a relative in thane who dropped me to vfs in Mumbai. I did not want to trouble them, but my backup plan was to check into a hotel the earlier night. A search on google "us consulate mumbai hotel" does reveal the hotels in Mumbai. It does appear that there is no hotel in the area, most are 4-5 kms away so u do have to take a taxi too.


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  • retropain
    08-29 12:02 PM
    Folks in or around Dallas, TX - this is an opportunity for you to go and attend this hearing

    "U.S. Visa Policy: Competition for International Scholars, Scientists and Skilled Workers "

    DATE: August 31, 2006
    TIME: 09:00 AM
    Location: University of Texas at Dallas, The Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science, Building ECSS, TI Foundation Auditorium, Richardson, Texas.
    Contact: 202-224-5225

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  • gc_bucs
    05-24 02:59 PM


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  • piyu7444
    08-23 11:22 PM
    I will provide all info. related to EB1 very soon. Who so ever is interested please send me your questions.......

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  • sk2009
    03-18 10:48 AM
    This is completely wrong. Once you are in EAD and got laid lose your status. There is one more thread in this forum where one guy applied for unemployed benefit in EAD, in a weeks times the ICE was coming to his home and severed the notice to appear in the court. That guy started the thread and every one bashing him for applying the unemployment benefit. But he later came to know that his employer notified the USCIS that he got laid off during EAD. So he lost his status and they wanted to deport him. I am not sure about the outcome. He is here in only in the IV. That thread was created in the last 2-3 months time. So search for it.

    There is definitely some legal implication otherwise why your employer wants to inform USCIS. They wanted to be in the safer side. So if anything happens you are the one going to face the music. So check with some good attorney.

    here is the link he is talking about


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  • EndlessWait
    05-30 03:29 PM
    It's because you, me, or any temporary legal immigrant will go back home if some law changes, and new batch of H1 B people will come in to fulfill industry requirement, but for illegal, route from South America is a one way street to USA and no going back. Plus, if temporary legal immigrants leave, US Govt. got to keep all our social security, retirement saving etc. if you think from their angle (US govt.), I guess for them, it makes more sense to legalize illegal (so at-least govt. can get some share of money from their taxes) because no matter what govt. do, illegal are never going to go back.

    After one has been here for 10 yrs. , does US have any Internation tax treaty with INDIA to give back social secuirty benefits or return the taxes back, if one goes back.

    I dont care about GC, Indian govt. must get our social security taxes back. This is a legitimate concern atleast. I guess Indian govt. can take this issue up for sure.

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  • eb3retro
    03-16 01:18 PM
    I saw this on an anti immigrant site by a M*****r.

    Hope some of you will learn a lesson from it and stop posting threads about Telgus, Eb3 vs Eb2.

    I have also seen posts by ignorant educated illiterates on IV where they advice people to do illegal things. Some of you own consulting firms or businesses and try to promote it by posting and sending Private messages. If we see such message, let us give reds and report to IV. We also need to discourage people from answering wrong info to posts where someone is illegal/out of status. All this used against us.

    good post after a long time...


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  • gk_2000
    05-05 01:26 PM
    lol i gave you green for the helpful entertainment ;)

    Unfortunately there are some dimwits here whom the explanations didn't help in understanding.. I give them reds for not helping by trying to understand by asking questions and being dumb instead

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  • pappu
    12-26 11:21 AM
    So you mean I should not even think of invoking AC21 EVEN after 180 days ?

    Maybe some people had problems using AC21. But at the same time a lot of people do use it. Every person must take the decision after consultation with a good attorney in AC21 matters and after looking at their own GC, Job, career and personal life situations. There are some areas like salary and same or similar job criteria that must be carefully looked at. There is no general answer to the question above. Each person must do what is best for them. It is speculated that a lot of people will invoke AC21 from next month after crossing 180 days and seeing that the upcoming visa bulletins will only push the dates back for countries like India and China. This would certainly frustrate a lot of people who do not see any career growth and may have to decide if they wish to be stuck in the same job for several more years or change jobs.

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  • jsb
    07-23 10:56 AM
    Someone posted a link describing I-485 Standard Operating Procedures. It is very detailed and interesting to read. It even described color of paperclip to use, place it on left or right corner, how to fold papers, how to form group family cases, how to shelve and label them, etc. It also has a very detailed description on where to click on screen while working on cases. The link is:

    The document is dated year 2001 but may have been revised since. Contents of this doc suggest that cases are first reviewed following some work distribution method, original mailroom RD is used wherever receive date is to be entered (automatically generated RD might be different though). PD is not part of initial data entry. Cases are placed in order of PD ONLY after they have been pre-adjudicated (shelved as 'waiting for visa number availablity'). etc. etc.

    There is also a expedite procedure for cases with children between 20 and 21 years, where files are hand transferred from desk to desk.

    Very interesting to read.

    07-16 10:09 PM
    Call all doctors in your area. When you call them, make sure they put you on their waiting list(in case somebody cancels).

    I would even drive 3-4 hours to find a doctor for the medicals. Without the 693 you are asking for a rejection.

    11-28 04:28 PM
    Everybody in this forum knows this. Core IV is on top of these items and every IV member should have confidence that they will steer everyone in proper direction as and when required. Do not get panic and call for unncessary shots on this sensitive issue.

    I am not sure when the CIR will pass...its not on Nancy Pelosi aganda in forseeable future... and several people already mentioned that if it didnt pass by MAY07 then you are looking at Jan 09 to get immigration stuff to happen...

    I think we need to work on an interm EB relief bill ...which is absolutely non contraversial and try to pass it....not worring about piggy backing the CIR...

    Issues such as h1 increase or adding more numbers need not be in it...we can include things like EAD after I-140...spouse/childer not considered for EB quota...etc...

    Unless we act desissively now...its going to be a long way to 2009..

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